We've updated procedures and policies:

Please note the change in our fee scale. Due to the decrease in appointment times available and increase in sanitizing and PPE, as well as increased prices for needed inventory, we have raised our sliding scale to $30-$60. We will do our best to keep our fees affordable and do not consider increases lightly.

There is a $30 fee for missed appointments or appointments cancelled with less than 24 hour notice

Our online appointment system will not allow you to cancel your own appointment within this time-frame.  You must email barefootclinicphilly@gmail.com in order to cancel. Please respect other patients and our clinic and give as much notice as possible if needing to cancel.  We are doing our utmost to keep individual treatment cost as low as is sustainable, and missed appointments greatly effect our ability to meet clinic costs and provide livelihood for our practitioners.

Patients MUST wear a mask covering nose and mouth at ALL times within the clinic. Our clinic follows CDC guidelines for medical facilities, therefore we may require masking even if other guidelines change. If you arrive without a mask, we will provide a surgical mask.  Masks with vents are not permitted. Gators and bandanas have also been found to be insufficient.  Multi-layered disposable masks are preferred and have been found to be more effective in preventing Covid 19 spread.


Patients will be seen BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.  Please arrive ON TIME.  We may not allow a patient in early unless the schedule permits. We need to control patients coming into or out of the clinic in order to maintain safe social distancing.  We will not be permitting accompanying friends or family in the waiting room, they must wait outside or in a car or drop off/ pick up if waiting for a patient. Two people both coming in for visits together may enter together. Also if a person is needed to aid in translation or to physically help a patient into a treatment chair they may do so but will then be asked to wait outside of the clinic until the person being seen is finished with their treatment. We appreciate your help and understanding in following these guidelines.



PLEASE bring only absolutely necessary belongings into the clinic.  Avoid bringing extra bags, purses, jackets or extra clothing, etc. 


·     Hand sanitizer will be at the front door to be used before heading to the treatment area.


·    If payment has not been taken care of electronically before your visit, please pay at the front desk before being taken to the treatment room.  We are not using envelopes.  Drop cash or check payment directly into the lockbox. 


·     You will be escorted to a chair in the treatment room.  We are no longer using cubbies.  Any belongings should be placed in the bottom of side tables or under your chair. 


·     Treatment times will be 30-45 minutes from the time of your appointment.  Please help us make the best use of time by being prepared for treatment when you arrive.  Although we love to let patients determine the length of their own treatments, this time limit is about the average treatment length for most patients and allows us time to sanitize between appointment times and manage social distancing.


·     Once your needles are removed, please do not linger other than using the restroom if needed.  You may reschedule online or call or email to schedule your follow up appointments. 


·      When coming and going please maintain social distancing ( ie. One person walking through the hall, waiting for restroom, etc.)

Thank you for your understanding and support,

Barefoot Doctor punks and staff







Jenny Corbin